

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) plays a critical role in controlling calcium, phosphate and vitamin D levels in the blood and bones. PTH directly involves the kidneys, bones, muscles, nerves and other organs in maintaining key biological functions. 

Hypoparathyroidism is a rare condition in which the body fails to produce sufficient amounts of PTH or the PTH produced lacks normal biologic activity. Individuals with a deficiency of parathyroid hormone may exhibit hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia.

Hypocalcemia can cause weakness, muscle cramps, excessive nervousness, headaches and uncontrollable twitching and tetany.

Hyperphosphatemia can result in soft tissue calcium deposition, which may lead to severe issues, including damage to the circulatory and central nervous systems.

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Over 200,000 people are estimated to be afflicted with hypoparathyroidism worldwide, with approximately 43% of cases characterized as mild, 39% characterized as moderate, and 18% characterized as severe.

Unmet Need

Historically, standard treatment for hypoparathyroidism includes calcium supplements, calcitriol or “active vitamin D” analogs and occasionally phosphate binders, the chronic use of which may result in serious side effects and significant costs to patients and healthcare systems.

Entera’s EB612 is the first oral formulation of PTH (1-34) hormone replacement treatment, that may have inherent advantages to injectable forms, enabling flexibility for titration and individualized treatment.